Last updated: 2024/03/01

Korea Improv Festival (KIF) 2024 Code of Conduct

The KIF 2024 organizers strive to establish a secure and inclusive environment for all performers and audiences. Our primary objective is to engage in our craft and unleash our creative potential within a lively and supportive setting, void of any harassment or discrimination. Attendees should not feel threatened or excluded based on their race, gender, gender identity, sexual preference, religious beliefs, nationality, age, or disability.

All attendees are expected to comply with local laws and regulations.

We reserve the right to dismiss attendees, performers, or audience members who fail to adhere to our rules. Attendees found in violation of the rules may not be eligible for a refund, at the sole discretion of the KIF organizers.

We are dedicated to promptly and confidentially addressing any concerns. Concerns can be reported to KIF 2024 organizers either in person or via email at [email protected].


Workshop Attendees


Complaint Process

KIF2024 organizer:

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