어떻게 하면 재미있고 흥미로운 씬을 만들 수 있을까요? 2016년 미국 시카고 IO극장 5주과정 수업을 들으면서, 그리고 국내외 다양한 임프라브 축제 및 공연을 하면서, 제가 개인적으로 많은 효과를 본 방법들을 공유할 예정입니다.
General attendee (some experience)
min: 6 ~ max: 10
UJ Park
의제는 2014년, 10년전 임프라브를 시작했고, 2016년시카고 I.O 극장 5주 인텐시브 과정을 수료하였습니다. 한국 임프라브 팀 임프로그에서 활동하고 있습니다. 운영진으로 다수의 연습모임 리딩 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 기업(SC은행, 아이쿱생협, 다우기술 등) 대상 임프라브 워크숍 보조코치로도 참여했으며, 2023년 마닐라, 2022년 싱가폴, 2018년 상하이 등 국제 임프라브 축제 참가 경험도 있습니다.
With improv spreading around the world, it’s increasingly common for improvisers to find themselves performing in a second language. It’s also common for this language hurdle to initially scare people from performing altogether. Hellena was once like that; she’s Korean and spoke little English when she first started improvising. And yet, she now performs in front of international audiences, leaping above the language barrier to standing ovations! She even attends various English-conducted courses in North America, connecting with her classmates and coaches without being constrained by her vocabulary. How does she do this? Do you also find yourself intimidated to perform in a language that you’re not 100% proficient in? Come and deep dive with Hellena as she shares her secrets using fun exercises that can help scare the language jitters away! With some practice, you too can communicate purposefully on stage without relying heavily on The Spoken! and Do you feel bored during the scene? Do you feel it is going somewhere else? So you feel stuck in the scene? Get out of your head and just do it! Make a bold choice! and do the Action! not talk much! We don’t want to see two talking heads again and again. how to make a scene interesting without talking? We can make much more interesting scenes with less talking. Let’s find out how to make a bold choice and do Action!
General attendee (some experience)
min: 6 ~ max: 16
Hellena Jang
Hellena Jang is an experienced improv performer and coach based in Seoul, South Korea. She started Improv 13 years ago and traveled all the way to the US and Canada in 2014, 2016 and 2019. She took all kinds of intensives everywhere such as I.O, Secondcity, Huge theater, Annoyance, Comedy Sportz, The Pack Theater, and so on. When she came back from her first improv trip in 2014, she founded the very first Korean Improv school, and she made a Korean team which is IMFROG. and she did many business improv workshop. also we traveled Europe for 40days and taught improv workshop and performed 6 contries and 11 cities in 2023. and she taught workshop in Singapore improv festival 2022 and Manila improv festival 2023.
Did your brain hurt a little bit when you read the title of this workshop? Sorry to add more shit to your brain, but the terms in this workshop title are actually a cheat code to finding a scene that can really take off as fast as possible. In our 2 hours together*, we'll improv nerd deep dive into classifying scene types in the first 30 seconds of the scene so that you can relax into the scene and just PLAY! (Your brain will 100% hurt by 10:15am just FYI)
General attendee (some experience)
min: 6 ~ max: 16
Jessica Lee
Jessica came up through the Upright Citizens Brigade advanced study program in Los Angeles. She has performed on hundreds of stages in LA including a strip club, a graveyard, a lodge for war vets, and The Comedy Store. She had studied and performed with people you might see on TV but probably mostly on YouTube and podcasts. She performed sketch and improv in LA and New York, coached improv teams, and performed storytelling and standup. She currently performs and teaches with Seoul City Improv.
Applying music in improv scene. Creating emotion and reflecting in sound, coordinating with others including the accompanies. We will cover how to write lyric and melody. Later, we will explore how you can sing along with others and dance to the tune.
General attendee (some experience), Advanced
min: 6 ~ max: 16
Alex Park
Since high school, my passion for theater, improv, and music has been unwavering. During college, I even minored in music and took part in various musical plays such as Company, South Pacific, and Kiss Me Kate. Even while working as a banker, I made sure to keep practicing and performing with local theater groups. About a decade ago, I took a leap of faith and left the finance world to pursue my dreams in music and drama, with a particular focus on improv. I had the privilege of studying at renowned institutions like I.O. Chicago. Now, I'm dedicated to teaching others how to use improv to boost their confidence and leadership skills. Much of my time is spent at Funtastic Theater, a place I founded to help individuals explore their creative side. For me, it's all about bringing out the best in people and enjoying the journey together.
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